Oscillate Layer in an Elipse Expression

//OSCILLATE LAYER IN AN ELLIPSE: //Custom Adjustments: radiusDistX = 30;  //set to zero for up/down oscillation radiusDistY = 100;  //set to zero for sideways oscillation period = 1; // DON’T ADJUST value + [Math.sin(time*period)*radiusDistX, -Math.cos(time*period)*radiusDistY]

Add $ and Comma at thousandth place Expression

//ADD A “$” AND “,” AT THE THOUSANDS PLACE ONLY: //ADD SLIDER CONTROL TO TEXT var stringSlider=”$”+Math.round(effect(“Value”)(“Slider”).value); if (stringSlider.length > 3){ stringSlider.substr(0, stringSlider.length -3) + “,” + stringSlider.substr(-3); } else { stringSlider } This After Effects expression is designed to add a dollar sign ($) and a comma (,) at the thousands place in a […]

Load External .TXT in AE Text Layer Expression

//CALL EXTERNAL .TXT FILE TO LOAD IN AE TEXT BOX try{ myPath = “~/Desktop/source.txt”; $.evalFile(myPath); eval(thisComp.name)[0]; }catch(err){ “MISSING”; } //SCRIPT TO PLACE IN .TXT FILE var comp1 = [“Text 0”, “Text 1”, “Text 2”]; var comp2 = [“Text 0”, “Text 1”, “Text 2”]; var comp3 = [“Text 0”, “Text 1”, “Text 2”]; var comp4 = […]

Z Position Fade Out Expression

//USE Z POSITION RANGE TO CONTROL OPACITY: fullOnZ = -900; //z value where you want opacity to be 100%; fullOffZ = 2700; //z value where you want opacity to be 0%; num = 100-(100*(transform.position[2]+(fullOnZ*-1))/fullOffZ); //this step allows you to keep existing opacity keyframes //by adding our formula result to the existing opacity num = num […]

Timecode in Text Layer Expression


Wiggle Expressions

//WIGGLE X ONLY: [wiggle(5,30)[0],value[1]] ———————————————————————————— //WIGGLE Y ONLY: [value[0],wiggle(1,100)[1]] ———————————————————————————— //WIGGLE X AN Y SEPARATELY: [wiggle(5,30)[0],wiggle(1,100)[1]] ———————————————————————————— //WIGGLE WITH HOLD KEYFRAMES: f = 2; a = 10; posterizeTime(f); wiggle(f, a);

After Effects Loop Expressions Explained

In After Effects, loop expressions are used to create repetitive and cyclical animations. They allow you to seamlessly repeat or cycle through keyframes, creating continuous motion without the need for manual duplication. Here are explanations for some common loop expressions in After Effects: Example usage: // LoopOut example loopOut(); // PingPong Loop example loopOut(“pingpong”); // […]

Inertial Bounce Expression

// TY’S INERTIAL BOUNCE: n = 0; if (numKeys > 0){ n = nearestKey(time).index; if (key(n).time > time){ n–; } } if (n == 0){ t = 0; }else{ t = time – key(n).time; } if (n > 0){ v = velocityAtTime(key(n).time – thisComp.frameDuration/10); amp = .03; freq = 2.0; decay = 2.0; value + […]