Vision/Project Refinement Schedule

Crafting new multimedia content is a multifaceted endeavor, often presenting challenges that range from managing a diverse array of skills to striking the delicate balance between maintaining quality and meeting quantity demands. As someone deeply invested in personal growth and skill development, staying on schedule is paramount to my creative process. Over the years, I’ve […]

Control End Animation Position with Slider

This After Effects expression is designed to control a property’s value using a slider based on the time between two keyframes. Here’s how it works step by step: if (numKeys > 1) { key1Time = key(1).time; // Time of the first keyframe key2Time = key(2).time; // Time of the second keyframe key1Val = 0; // […]

CC/Transcription via external CSV

Add closed captions or data driven graphics to your After Effects project using .csv files that a source text layer pulls data from.

PostHaste Project Template

Post Haste takes organizing a new project folder structure to a whole other level. This is truly an awesome product by Digital Rebellion. Not only is it awesome, it’s free.

Tumult Hype Responsive Canvas with Dynamic Text

Tumult Hype is my favorite go-to keyframe based animation app for creating HTML5 content. These two templates are adaptations of Tommy Hodgins’ responsive hype to enable scaling repsonsiveness and a script using JSON elements to import text dynamically into the Hype document using css classes. Dynamically adding text content via JSON allows for an […]


How I take on new clients or projects with a simple but effective process that can be applied for any project.

Isolate Products in Seconds with Photoshop Action

This Photoshop action isolates products that were photographed against a pure white background and saves the images with transparent backgrounds.

Auto-Resize Shape Layer with Text Size

Quick expression that will auto-resize a shape according to a text layer size.

Create Flexible Sitemaps with Gloomaps

Building site-maps is an important part of website design/development. With GlooMaps it’s really easy to create your own sitemaps fast and efficiently and share them with other collaborators. It’s free to use and you can create an unlimited amount of maps.

Image Optimization using ImageOptim

Have a Mac and need to compress an image fast? Check out this awesome app that not only compresses images but also removes any private EXIFmeta­data that gets embedded into images from digital cameras. Once it is installed you can set up your system preferences to ctrl+click on any image and get the option to compress your image without even opening the app! Check out how fast it is in the video.