Progressive Leasing LxD

Project Type:

Learning Experience Design, Multimedia Production

Tools Used:

Adobe CC, Workfront, Daz3D, Cornerstone LMS, Workday LMS


Senior Multimedia Specialist



Project Details

Business Case:
The Progressive Leasing Learning & Development Team holds the responsibility of educating, inspiring, and motivating employees, equipping them with the tools, knowledge, and confidence required to deliver exemplary customer and merchant support. The team recognizes the need for a more consistent visual identity across its training curriculum.

Within the team of curriculum designers, occasional tight turnarounds have led to inconsistencies in design work. Implementing templates and pre-designed assets accessible across the team can mitigate these challenges and promote design consistency.

The primary objective is to develop cohesive learning experiences infused with UI/UX elements and modular components that can be consistently applied across various interactions and training curriculums

The initiative involved establishing a learning object repository consisting of 1000+ modular assets, serving as a valuable resource for curriculum designers and multimedia specialists. This repository aimed to expedite the production of uniform designs and assets. The outcome of this strategic move manifested in an impressive 83% year-over-year increase in productivity and output.

Ty is a master of his craft and can always be depended on to do a phenomenal job. No matter the difficulties of a project, Ty always – and I mean ALWAYS – has a good attitude. His optimism rubs off on even the strongest of cynics. Every team needs more Tys!

Learning Experience Design (LxD)

Engaging learning experiences.

LxD places the learner at the center of the design process. Understanding the needs, preferences, and motivations of learners helps in creating content that is more relevant and effective. At Progressive Leasing, the goal is to create learner-centric, engaging, and effective learning experiences, which ultimately contributes to better learning outcomes.

Animated Vector Graphics

Seamless UI/UX through Animated SVGs

Integrated hundreds of animated SVGs and Lottie files to enhance the UI/UX, fostering a more engaging and visually appealing learning environment. This approach not only makes the learning experience more effective but also leads to improved knowledge retention and understanding.

Multimedia Production

Optimized Visuals for Enhanced Learning Impact

The combination of visual and auditory elements helps learners retain and recall information more effectively while offering a holistic approach to explaining complicated learning material, combining the strengths of human connection, visual representation, and dynamic engagement for enhanced comprehension and retention.

Scalable Templates

Structured Solutions for Elevating Efficiencies

Scalable templates streamline the workflow by providing a standardized structure. Team members can easily plug in content, making the video creation process more efficient and reducing the likelihood of errors.